Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Ode to My Love

To my sweet heart,
Sometimes I might sound so distant,
My physical presence so far yonder,
My spiritual essence near yet so far,
Makes you wonder if i will ever be close enough,
Close enough to soothe your soul.
And make your heart yawn with satiety.

But make no mistake baby
I never enjoy this distance
I don’t like this gulf that beckons between us
Despite the turbulent separate times
We have to hang in there
For the sake of our love,
We have to keeping hoping
That one day this loneliness will come to an end.

Yet i can’t help wishing,
Can’t stop praying,
That the love of my life,
Be part of my every heart beat
That everyday of my life be lit
By the evanescent glow of your love
I love you so much
And you are forever my eternal VALENTINO!
